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Mardi Gras Ball

presented by

The Children's Welfare League

Featuring Dinner, Dancing,

Silent and Live Auctions

Saturday, February 11th, 2017

Crowne Plaza Resort Expo Center

6:00 p.m.

All proceeds benefit the

Children's Welfare League Student Stipend & 

College Scholarship Programs

2017 Mardi Gras Ball
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Crowne Plaza Expo Center

The Children's Welfare League has been in existence for over 75 years. Since its formation to the present, there has always been one common purpose: to improve and enrich the lives and education of the children in Buncombe County. At present, the Children's Welfare League helps over 200 high school students by providing a monthly allowance.  These students have been selected from recommendations by school guidance counselors. They are selected on the basis of financial need and their desire to achieve scholastically.

The Children's Welfare League is a 501(c)(3), all volunteer organization. The Children's Welfare League has no staff or paid director. ALL of the money raised by the annual Mardi Gras Ball is used to fund the monthly Student Stipend Program and college scholarships to UNC Asheville and AB Tech.

Whether you are an attendee, donor, or sponsor, with thank you for your support and for helping the Children's Welfare League make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged Buncombe County students.

Thank You!